People with CUPS undergo certain standard methods of medical evaluation to discover the primary site (if possible) and other potential areas of spread. Evaluation will include a history as well as a specific work-up for the major potential sites of the cancer's origin that can be treated— breast cancer, germ cell tumors, lymphomas and cancers of the head and neck, lung (especially small cell), prostate, thyroid and ovary. A consensus about the minimal investigation that has to be performed includes the following. Physical Examination • When CUPS is found in high cervical lymph nodes , a thorough examination of the nasopharynx , throat and upper respiratory tract should be done, usually by an ear, nose and throat specialist. • A gynecological examination, including a rectal examination, Pap smear and a pelvic ultrasound or CT, should be done for any woman with CUPS, especially if the inguinal (groin) lymph nodes are enlarged or there is fluid in the abdomen (ascites). Blood and Other Tests • Complete blood counts. • Urinalysis to check for blood. • Test for hidden (occult) blood in the stool . • Blood chemistry tests to assess liver and kidney function.